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Mobile applications

Mobile application development

Did you know that:

149.3 billion applications were downloaded in 2016, this figure will rise to 352.9 billion in 2021

Want to increase the audience of your content?
give your audience a rewarding and unique user experience?

Thanks to our know-how and our experience in the field, we design for you a customized application, easy to manage and compatible with Android, IOS and Windows phone mobile devices.

Design of mobile applications for media

At Tanit Web, we assist media professionals (online newspapers, radios, TV channels, magazines ...) to help them distribute their content in an original way, but also to improve the experience of their visitors and extend their audience

Why a mobile app

for your media?


Mobile apps help broaden the reach of your content and enable it to be presented in a digital format that is more responsive to user needs.


The features of mobile applications are in continuous innovation. The navigation is more and more intuitive and the content is presented in a rich and multimedia format


Mobile apps provide powerful media support for fine segmentation of the target. This is therefore an opportunity to increase advertising revenue


We rely on the latest technologies and trends to design mobile applications that are both useful and enjoyable:

Fresh content

Content is updated in real time and can be customized based on geolocation or user preferences

Real time alerts

Push notifications can be sent to your listener to keep them informed of events or to invite them to view content

Multimedia feeds

It is possible to stream multiple live audio or video streams coupled with related information

Centralized Administration

The management of your application is done automatically from the same CMS that manages your website. Any new content published on your website will be displayed at the same time on all your applications without any additional effort.

Overall view of the user

the calculation of attendance statistics is also done centrally so that you can analyze the impact of your content and optimize its impact on the different distribution channels.

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